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1-866 828-8683
High Risk Merchant Account
High risk merchant account for business
types that are hard to place elsewhere to
accept credit cards. Fast approval at very
affordable rates are our specialty.

High Risk Merchant Account

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Offshore Merchant Account
Offshore merchant account can provide
greater acceptance for certain businesses
having problems with approvals. Credit
issues can sometimes be resolved as well.

Offshore Merchant Account

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International Merchant Account
International merchant account for many
businesses is the only option because of
many factors keeping them from getting
approved. Fast turnaround times.

International Merchant Account

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1-866 828-8683
International Merchant Account

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Fast Approval
Reliable & Affordable Experienced Staff

Offshore Merchant Account
High Risk Merchant Services
High Risk Merchant Services


High Risk Merchant Services

High Risk Merchant Services is a solution for merchants
having a problem in  securing credit card processing for their
business. There are a many issues that can cause problems,
such as principal owner's credit history, problems with a past
processing history, or possibly the items which they sell. The
best advice would be to determine the factors which are the
causing you the problems & seek high risk merchant services
providers who are willing to approve your account.

Another key factor is your account parameters, which covers
your monthly volume, average ticket, and high ticket limits on
the card card transactions. Many time these numbers can be
overlooked and exceeded, causing your account to be closed
by your credit card processor. Numbers that are stated on a
high risk merchant services application will be underwritten &
if approved, these numbers should not be exceeded.

The last consideration that needs to be addressed is the risk
of chargebacks. Every credit card transaction received by a
business, has the potential of being reversed by chargeback
initiated by the card holder. This must be kept to a minimum,
as excessive chargeback will cause immediate termination of
your high risk merchant services.

High Risk Merchant Services

In conclusion, seek a provider who understands your business
completely, including all the particulars mentioned above. All
high risk merchant services provider's are not created equal.
Be sure to look for multiple solutions, as one size does not fit
all and a long lasting relationship is usually the perfect fit.


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High Risk Merchant Services

High risk merchant services approvals
are our specialty. Expert service from
a highly experienced staff, offering a
payment solution to meet your needs.

Practically any business type including
ecommerce, Retail, and Phone Order.
Secure transaction processing at the
most affordable price to you.

Our experienced staff is standing by to assist you, so give us a call today. You
can also apply for a high risk merchant
services account today. We're here to help you make the right decision. We process for many different types of high risk industries including service and industries like here, here or here.
High Risk Credit Card Processing
High Risk Credit Card Processing

We specialize in high risk credit card processing for practically any business.

Contact one of our experienced staff
members today to discuss your options
or simply
apply online.

High Risk Credit Card Processing 
High Risk Merchant Services
High Risk Merchant Services
High risk merchant services
for hard to place business. Low rates & great service.

Contact one of our experienced staff
members today to discuss your options
or simply
apply online.

High Risk Merchant Services
High Risk Ach
High Risk Ach
High risk ach processing is the perfect add-on for you to increase cash-flow.

Contact one of our experienced staff
members today to discuss your options
or simply
apply online.

High Risk ACH Processing